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Mary Baker Eddy

Retrospection and Introspection
Eddy, Mary Baker
A True Man

Christian Science ~ 16 books by Mary Baker Eddy

6 ~ Retrospection and Introspection ~ Chpt 16 ~ A True Man

                                          A TRUE MAN 

 1	    My last marriage was with Asa Gilbert Eddy, and
  	was a blessed and spiritual union, solemnized at
 3	Lynn, Massachusetts, by the Rev. Samuel Barrett Stewart,
  	in the year 1877. Dr. Eddy was the first student publicly
  	to announce himself a Christian Scientist, and place these
 6	symbolic words on his office sign. He forsook all to follow
  	in this line of light. He was the first organizer of a Chris-
  	tian Science Sunday School, which he superintended. He
 9	also taught a special Bible-class; and he lectured so ably
  	on Scriptural topics that clergymen of other denomina-
  	tions listened to him with deep interest. He was remark-
12	ably successful in Mind-healing, and untiring in his chosen
  	work. In 1882 he passed away, with a smile of peace and
  	love resting on his serene countenance. "Mark the per-
15	fect man, and behold the upright:  for SHOW ALL